Gender equality
Thank you for Jeju V-Day 2018제주퀴어문화축제 2018. 4. 12. 15:23
V-day campaign event ,which was prepared by a group of English speaking feminists in Jeju, was successfully held. We would like to thank to the V-day hosts who decided to donate whole money earned from the event and to the audiences. We, JQCF, will try our best to make world more gender-equal. 제주에 거주하는 영어권 출신 페미니스트들이 준비한 V-day 캠페인 행사 가 성황리에 마무리되었습니다. 모든 수익금을 제주퀴어문화축제에 기부해 주신 V-day 주최측과 함께해주신 관객 ..